Premium Inspection

Full technical check of used machines

We are offering certified inspections of used machines

Premium Inspection

Ask us for a certified premium inspection

For the Premium Inspection we authorize one of our local partners specialized in industrial maintenance to inspect the machine on-site. During this full technical analysis, the technician completes a Premium Inspection report, provided by GINDUMAC, which is filled in after running a test based on the capacity of each machine. The goal of this Premium Inspection is to offer a detailed and professional diagnosis of the machine. With Premium Inspection we help our buyers best evaluate the technical conditions of the machine and anticipate before purchase decision if any additional technical investments are required.

Ask us for a certified premium inspection

Premium Inspection

The Premium Inspection provides mainly:
  • The approximate remaining lifespan of the main parts of the machine (indication of required replacements)
  • A full diagnosis of the control unit's condition
  • A test on an end product manufactured by the machine
  • A report of failures during the manufacturing process, if any
  • A report of the accuracy of the machine

Each machine will be tested while manufacturing its relevant end product, taking into account:
  • Type of material
  • Thickness

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